Spiritual Secrets

Mind Over Matter

A funny mathematical take

Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets


Brain Waves
Mind Waves. Image by the Author

We all know, matter has three states
Solid, liquid and Gas
Mind is non physical, Only waves of ether
Beyond Matter.

Mind is the manifestation of our thoughts
Output of our brain
We cannot touch or see “mind” with our senses
It does not occupy the shape of its container like gases

It is ether, directed by the focus
Wherever focus goes, mind travels.
States of matter can change forms and intertwine
Mind is beyond this paradigm, by the divine design

Essence of Mind is beyond all matter.

An image displaying a not equal to sign between matter and matter. It says Mind is not equal to matter
Image created by the Author on Canva

Let the matter worrying you attain the state of zero
And let the Mind be your hero
Anything over zero, over a non entity
Results in infinity
As proved by the great BHASKARA, (Great Indian Mathematician)

So, why not let the trifling matter recede into oblivion
And the mind explore vast new horizon
of tranquil, peace and calm

Image edited by the Author on Canva

The above is written in response to Darshak Rana’s prompt If you don’t mind, it does not matter.

This funny response occurred to me while sipping tea early this morning. I was watching my daughter twirl on roller skates, fall and rise again. I asked out of motherly concern, “Are you hurt?”.
My eyes were wide open by her response. She said, “how will I master roller skates if I let fear rule my mind. Hurt does not matter because my mind is focused on mastering this skill.”
And it gave me a new perspective if we keep our mind over any matter and let the matter be zero, it will open doors to infinite possibilities.
Wish you all a Spiritual Saturday

Thank you Darshak as always.

© All Rights Reserved 2021 Indubala Kachhawa



Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.