My Story From Childhood to Adulthood

Sharing some important lessons about learning and books.

Beth Stormont
Spiritual Secrets


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

As a child, I read books avidly!

You might say I lived in a world of books, especially of Europe and the Middle Ages! … And I was truly living those lives!

But one day, an inner voice told me to cease these other-life imaginings… that I must realistically start living ‘this’ life.

And so I ceased all story reading (except that which was mandatory for school)… And even the reading of novels as an adult, since I discovered that as an empath, I too readily
lost myself
in all that was portrayed in the story and literally
became the characters,
that world, and that life…
Way too dangerous for living an evolutionary life!

When I was brought back to my knowledge
and belief in reincarnation
in early adulthood,
I realized that my
childhood ‘imaginings’ were not the result of my gift
for fantasizing.

In actuality they had been past-life regressions
brought forth through stories in books
rather than by a person…



Beth Stormont
Spiritual Secrets

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.