
Paint The World With Love

New Beginnings For a New Dawn

Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets


Sketch of a girl kneeled down in a short dress painting a heart with red color
Sketch by the Author

As the new year dawns, and we bid adieu to the year bygone.
I wish to start new and fresh, to clear off the age-old mesh.
Awakened by a higher call, I desire to give my all,
In pursuit, I frisk my treasure trove.

I find nothing!!! but only love,

The sole virtue I possess,
And I hear my spirit profess,
To paint the world with a loving heart

And fill every lacuna with love

In merriment, melancholy, liking or, loath.
My beacon beckons,
to stand steadfast and honor my oath.
The purpose with which the soul is sent forth.

We were born in love, let’s live in love

Every moment I will bestow my best.
As our true innate nature behest.
In this dawn, I hold no grudge, I feel no pain.
I now realize, all friction was in vain.

My spirit now holds the reign

It is such a tranquil truce,
to decipher the eternal truth.
You, me, them, all sprout from a common source,
nurtured by a virtuous love.

The love I bequeath to all, belongs to all

If your eyes caress these lines, even if not
I will send bountiful your way.
Whenever the clouds are clear, dark or, gray
Ripples of my love will stir your day.

I resolve to paint the world with love,
Splashes of my paint will drench you one day

As we step into a new year, I have taken a solemn pledge to send love to everyone. Even if I feel I have been wronged by someone, I decree myself to send my love to them.
I have realized my role in this cosmic drama is to dance to the rhythm of love and nurture the virtue of love. I am reveling in its glory.

Love begets Love

Thank you Darshak Rana for providing the prompt “VIRTUE” on the awesome publication “SPIRITUAL SECRETS”



Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.