Spiritual Chronicles

Self, Soul, Spirit : The Source

Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
6 min readDec 12, 2020


The Connection between ourself and the source, soul v/s spirit and the ONENESS of All

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Who am I?

Who are you?

Where do we come from, where do we go?

Why are we born, what do we carry, what do we bring forth?

Does the graveyard say it all?

These and some subtle questions often perplex our senses and sensitivities. I am seeking to quench my thirst for the same and in all humility putting on paper my understanding along the way.

There are four layers in the cosmos. Namely self, soul, spirit, and the source.

Image by the author

Let us touch each of them briefly for a cohesive comprehension.


The ONE Divine power from where everyone and everything originates and merges. This Divine power is an infinite mass of energy, the proverbial white light. The creator of all. We all are scattered molecules of this vast colossal cosmos. Nothing is outside and beyond this Source.

Image by 1239652 from Pixabay

We may refer to it by myriad names, but the truth is, we are all plugged into only one source, the infinite bundle of energy.
Before and after our physical existence, this is our elemental, fundamental, and terminal dwelling.


When a new body is formed or conceived, a part of this Source or the white light is detached from it and put inside the physical form. This part of the source inside a body is called a soul which gives life to the form.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Our body carries the soul.

A soul during its span inside the body may become attached to and governed by its physical being, the self.

Soul may/may not forget its roots, its pure form, and mingle in the worldly conundrum. It is free to do so.

Contained in the physical form, this part of the source is free to act. It has free will BUT it is bound to bear the consequences of its deeds (KARMA) even after it leaves the self and merges with the source.

Even when the self perishes, the KARMA stays with the soul.

When this soul enters another body, KARMA dictates its fate

When this soul leaves the body, KARMA dictates its fate

Soul experiences whatever Self undergoes and is lodged in its subconscious. Which is carried forward in many births until it is cleared by the awakening of the Spirit.


Spirit is the connection between the two, the Source and the soul.

When Source detaches it’s part, it is carried inside the body via the Spirit. After fetching this part to the body, it lies in a dormant stage below the spine, waiting to be awakened by the soul to transport the soul back to the source.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What we are searching for all the time outside, is always inside us.

Spirit is the anchor between the soul and the source. It is also known as the higher self, primordial power, kundalini

Spirit is our conscious, conscience, and resonates with the Source, the collective consciousness of the cosmos.

This conscious when awakens clears the subconscious and makes the soul pure once again.

Awareness occurs when the soul realizes to reconnect with its higher self, the spirit and longs to merge with the source.

The spirit( anchor ) is not judging the soul or the self. It is just sleeping there in a dormant stage, waiting to be awakened. When the soul realizes that it is not alone, it is a part of a bigger WHOLE, it longs to go back to its source. It seeks the spirit to merge it with the whole, the spirit awakens.

Now the anchor, the awakened spirit can take it back home rising from base of the spine all the way up to the head.

The soul longs and invigorates the self to ACT to awaken the spirit, its anchor, and carry it back to its source.

Self takes purifying actions ( being pure in deeds, yoga, meditation, any form of spirituality, etc) and the spirit awakens at the base of the spine, makes its way up the spine via seven energy points ( chakras), and merges with the source via the topmost energy points ( chakra).

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Myself, our self, yourself is the perishable physical frame of flesh and bones. It is made up of five physical elements. These five elements are the basis of cosmic creation.
1. Earth
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Air
5. Ether/Space

Each sense organ of the Self is related with one of the above element.

Image by the Author

A healthy self is attained by an optimum balance of all the above physical elements. It is greatly manifested by Yoga which eventually is a spiritual practice and leads to the merging of the soul with the source by awakening the spirit.

The role of the self is to provide a temporary shelter to the soul.

When the Self perishes, it is buried/cremated( as per its faith) and all the five elements mix and merge with their source.


  • We all are part of ONE Whole, the Source
  • Self is a carrier of the soul
  • The soul is a part of the source inside a physical body
  • Spirit is the anchor, connection between the Soul and the Source
  • Spirit is dormant at the base of the spine.
  • When a soul transcends higher, it realizes its true mission and purpose and the spirit awakens
  • When spirit awakens, we see the proverbial white light which is the source. We are connected to the source.
  • Self need not always die to merge with the source. It can be achieved in a living state via Spirituality. The heightened awareness stage.

“You are not a drop in the ocean, You are the entire ocean in a drop”. Rumi

Disclaimer: This article is not advocating any religious belief or faith. The above views are the writer’s insights in the journey of seeking the Truth and merging with the one.

This article is written in response to the Spiritual Secrets prompt “Self” by Darshak Rana

Darshak, I chose to write whatever I have learned along my journey till now. Am still on “Self “ so jotted above. The journey is still on….



Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.