Spirituality is the Experience of Spirit-Energy

Shirley Willett
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2021

Spirit-Energy is in everything, physical and non-physical

Spirit-Energy in Nature, sharing from one species to another — Photo from MIT Tech Review

Spirit-Energy in Nature

Darshak Rana: “If we can learn to create a beautiful and healthy relationship with nature, we can sustain our happiness and peacefulness for a longer time.”

Spirit-Energy as Love

Darshak Rana: “Love is like the air beneath the bird’s wings — That empowers others to fly and sing”

Spirit-Energy, Inner Self

@Ryan : ”Inside each of us is that pure energy. It’s there before our bodies come into being, and it’ll be there when that body decays in the ground. It is never born and will never die. That energy is eternal and unites us all

Steven Gambardella: “We are fundamentally responsible for our selves. … Shakespeare’s Hamlet, saying — “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

David Gerken: quotes Yogananda: “Authentic wisdom doesn’t come from exercising our brains/computers. It comes from listening to the quiet stillness inside us.”

David Gerken: Spirituality uses many names and concepts to describe the conscious self, that entity that only exists when we are present in the moment.” Quotes Eckhart Tolle: ““You are the sky. The clouds are what happens, what comes and goes.”

Lanu Pitan: “The basic theory of the mind is such that the Universe responds to what we constantly think in our mind. It responds by manifesting it into the physical. We all have this mind processing power, but most do not either realize it or do not know how to utilize it.”

Lanu Pitan: The idea is to remain open to the direction of our inner self. No truer path can come from outside. It is all from within you.

Lanu Pitan: Challenges make us go within, ponder and get curious in our quest for solutions.

Spirit-Energy as Life

Lanu Pitan: quotes George Bernard Shaw: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

Shreya Badonia: “When you don’t force life, you realize you are life. We can only have control over our actions, not life.” The Bhagavad GitaLet life unfolds itself to you.”

Spirit-Energy as Creativity, Creation

Brendon Webber: The Balance of Your Soul …in certain states, we become aware of parts of our mind, desires, that we never knew were there. And within a creative space — where stories and myths are made — we create and analyze our own narratives and myths

Claire Elaine: “The Heart of The Craftsman — When you begin can you already feel the shape of what you do? Do your senses already hold the form of that which you hope to craft. Mm, ’tis there, isn’t it? Just outside of reality, not yet tangible, not yet manifest. Mm, its growing energy beckons. You can feel it, taste it, smell it. A few perfectly executed procedures and it will be done…be yours. A thing of beauty or use crafted by the hands of a craftsman, an object yours to have or share.”

Spirit-Energy in People

@Rubi Thalwal “People Who Can Be Best Teachers” We all are just walking each other home. — Ram Dass — “Peoplecome and go, some remain close — others pave the way for our growth. As I see back on my life’s journey — All I feel is gratitude for the people that blessed me. Life will teach you the lessons that it has to convey — It will not seek your approvals or apprehensionsBe ready and embrace the people and circumstances — They are here for a reason

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for your prompt on Spirituality in our lives. And thank you all my writer friends



Shirley Willett
Spiritual Secrets

Book: “Past, Present, Future: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years, Design, Engineering, Education, Manufacturing & Technology” shirley@shirleywillett.com