From struggle to bliss.

Stop Trying Hard to Escape From Life. Instead, Empower Yourself With a Unique Solution.

Life is not what you think it is.

Ruchi Thalwal
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2023


Photo by Vasi on Unsplash

Do you know ancient Indian sages have used one word to describe this world?


Maya means illusion—a play.

I know it is tough for the mind to understand. For a very long time, it also baffled me.

“How can this world be an illusion if I am feeling an intense pain within my heart? If I am suffering, how can it be false?”

But when the grace blessed me and sucked me into its void, I immediately understood. I could see through the density of the mind.

It felt like I got a fresh pair of eyes to see the life. Like a new birth, everything got revitalized. My past dissolved. Everything crashed, no matter how miserable or intense it was.

For months, an immense silence engulfed me. I could not speak or do my work like I used to. Everything went into slow motion. Eating felt supernatural, as if I had never chewed or swallowed before.

Very slowly, everything returned to normal, but with a new twist. Old Ruchi, with her beliefs and patterns, died in that silence. Life took control…



Ruchi Thalwal
Spiritual Secrets

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