The Enlightenment of Reiki

Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2020

A tale of eternal love

Image by Evgeny Tchebotarev from Pexels

As a Reiki teacher for nearly a decade, I’ve explored countless alternative histories and philosophies. While some of these Reiki stories resonate with me, others do not. As with any spiritual practice, one must learn how to tune to the heart’s inner wisdom.

In this article, I’ll discuss one popular Reiki story that I feel is incongruent with the deepest truth of the practice.

First, though, I’d like to lay the groundwork for our discussion by reviewing some basic historical facts that (I’m fairly sure?!) we can all agree upon.

A Japanese man, Mikao Usui, received intensive training in Buddhism, meditation, and other mystical arts throughout his life. Around the early 1920s, he founded Usui Shiki Ryoho, the Usui System of Natural Healing, of which he initiated over 2,000 people during his lifetime. Of these, he qualified eleven at the highest Shinpiden (Master/Teacher) level. Chujiro Hayashi was one of these eleven, who then taught Hawayo Takata. After Takata attained Shinpiden, she brought Reiki from Japan to Hawaii, where it then quickly spread to other lands in the West. (For the most well-researched, comprehensive history of Reiki, please see The Reiki Sourcebook by Bronwen and Frans Stiene.)

Okay, you with me so far?


Now, let’s dive into the murky waters where the stories diverge.

What We Always (Already) Have

In various texts and courses, it is often stated that Usui was the first person to channel Reiki. Or, it is said that he was the first human to be gifted with the tool of Reiki. In teachings of this ilk, it’s often portrayed that Reiki is some kind of new frequency on the planet and that Usui was the first one to recognize, discover, or tune into it. I have even read some teachings that claim that Usui “invented” Reiki.

These teachings, unfortunately, are based upon a limited understanding of energy healing’s ancient, timeless roots.

While it is indeed accurate to state that Usui was the human founder of the Japanese-based system Usui Shiki Ryoho (a specific set of social norms and spiritual technologies) that later grew into what we now think of as the practice of “Reiki,” the idea that he himself created or first discovered a new healing frequency is not accurate.

What was Usui’s role in Reiki, then? How shall we remember him?

Although perhaps less glamorous or exciting than the aforementioned versions, there is a way to understand Usui’s role that brings us into harmony with not only him but also the whole Universe.

Through Usui’s own enlightenment process, he simply remembered and reminded us about the innate gift of healing that all beings throughout all time and space have always possessed.

This innate gift is alluded to throughout all Earth’s sacred scriptures, and it has been whispered from the mouths of wisdom-keepers in all planes of existence since time immemorial.

Usui pointed to the power that we always (already) have.

This is the power of love!

This love can perform miracles, but, in truth, it is not actually “supernatural.” This love is normal, natural, and available to all of us — if we only simply allow it.

What Reiki Is

To study the various religions and spiritual traditions of our human family is to find, at core, a shared belief in love. It is the most potent medicine to cure all ills.

We can conceptualize this love as life force energy.

Yes, Reiki is love! This is its simplest, most profound definition.

While it is indeed wonderful to honor Usui’s legacy, let us be clear on who he was and what he did. Usui did not invent or start or discover anything fundamentally new. Yes, he codified a specific set of meditative practices that have been helpful for people living on Earth…but did he invent something new in this Universe? No. Usui remembered a basic, ancient wisdom. Love. Love yourself. Love everyone.

The Real History of Reiki

As we practice Reiki, it’s wise to avoid placing Usui on a pedestal. Just as Christ and the Buddha were simply living embodiments of love — so too was this humble man, Mikao Usui, the living embodiment of love. He was not some superhuman, not some god-like figure. He was just like us: an awakening human, just like we are.

Sensei Mikao Usui helped us remember what is most basic and true. We have the power to heal anything with love — because we are made of love itself!

When we are new to the practice of Reiki, we might overcomplicate things. We might see Reiki as some mysterious force that needs to be scientifically measured in order to be understood. Or we might see tales about Usui as quite fantastical or amazing. We might even glorify him. While it’s true that good karma comes from respecting our teachers, eventually we need to realize that the story of Usui is, actually, the story of us all. The story of every soul.

Ultimately, we are here to love. We journey onto this planet in order to fulfill that one single destiny. Some of us may be farther along on that path than others, but, truly, we are all headed in that same direction.

Reiki helps us tap into the Divine Cosmic Love that melts open our hearts and relieves all suffering. Through Reiki, we break out of man-made limitations. We heal. We awaken.

In truth, we cannot really say that Reiki was first experienced or created by a man in Japan. We cannot say that Reiki is one hundred or five hundred or a million years old. We cannot trace its history with names, clocks and calendars.

In the end, Reiki defies all our mental comprehensions.

The real history of Reiki is that it has no history. It is timeless. Eternal.

As we practice, we bow in gratitude to our human stories, yet we also learn to move beyond them, recognizing that a story is simply a seed. It’s an inspiration. It shall blossom, in time, to so much more.



Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets

PhD. Author and Reiki teacher. Co-creating a world of sacred wisdom and radiant wellness. Learn with me at