Spiritual Chronicles

The Primordial Power

How I am Tapping Into This Power and Releasing Energy From Within to Heal.

Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets


a musk deer
Photo by Miriam Fischer from Pexels

There is a story in Indian mythology about a musk deer which goes as below.

A musk deer smells an ambrosial scent once and is enchanted by its fragrance. Intoxicated by the smell, he longs to find the source of that aroma. He runs here and there, berserk, his entire life searching the source of the pleasant scent. In pursuit of that, he traverses high mountains, deep valleys, vast forests and in the end dies panting to find the root of the ethereal fragrance.

He dies oblivion of the fact that the source of this fragrance is caudal gland in his own body producing this.

What he is scouting desperately elsewhere, is all the time within himself.

Likewise, we humans seek solace, peace, love, and God all our lives outside of us. Unaware of the fact that it’s always with us, within us.

When The Creator created us, he was worried about where to keep the eternal power safe.

He thought and thought for long, then mother nature suggested, “It’s the stupid human you are dealing with, who will search everywhere, except himself. Keep it inside him.

And then The Creator hid it safe just below the spine, the primordial power, the spiritual seed.

And left it to us, to seek and search sagaciously.”

And be with the ONE.
There is a short story my late father(God Bless his soul) used to narrate.
A thief hopped on a train compartment with a pouch full of theft money.
There was already a man in there.
The thief befriended the man and revealed to him that he has a lot of theft money.
Night fell.
Both slept.
Greed got to the other man. He woke up in the middle of the night and searched the thief’s belongings for stolen money.
Even after an extensive search, he did not find a penny.
In the morning, when it was time to alight and depart, the man, perplexed, asked the thief, “You say you have a lot of theft money, however, am sorry, greed took over me, I searched your stuff and could not find any. Were you lying to me!? ”

The thief smiled and said, “Something I have learned about humans is that they always look for things outside them.

I had a feeling when I revealed the theft that is talking to a potential thief. I hid it under your seat.

I was sure you would scavenge all around but never search what’s with you.”

Are not these knowledge nuggets by a petty thief and a deer’s ignorance fodder for thought?

Gautam Buddha left the world and its sufferings behind him to seek the Truth. And voila! He found enlightenment under a tree INSIDE HIM.

Gautum Buddha in meditation under a tree
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

If you are the one seeking spirituality and absolute bliss, I implore you to pursue within.
I have been practicing this for over two years and now find myself in a position to talk something about it.
Our body has 108 Chakras or energy points. Out of that seven are main and aligned in a line, starting from the base of the spine all the way through the top of our head. These energy points are basically a bunch of tangled nerves.

7 chakras in the human body from the base of the spinal cord to the headtop
pc yogapedia.com

Spirituality is tapping into these energy points, untangling this bunch of nerves and the realization which comes once the Primordial energy is activated, uncoiled, travels all the way from the base of the spine through the crown, and merges with the proverbial white light.

pc tagram.com

The PRIMORDIAL Energy or the SUPREME energy is within us. Yogis call it the Kundalini.

It is coiled at the base of the spine in a dormant state. It opens up by meditation and other yogic activities.

The energy released is transcended upwards via the spinal chord, activating and opening the remaining Chakras .

When it reaches the topmost chakra (The Crown Chakra), it merges our consciousness with the collective consciousness of the universe .

It is at this stage that sages and the yogis witness the White light , the ENLIGHTENMENT.

It is also called SERPENT energy because of its shape.

  1. It is coiled at the base
  2. It is spiraled on the left by a conduit called IDA Nadi(left conduit)
  3. It is spiraled on the right by a conduit PINGALA Nadi(right conduit)
  4. In the center is a conduit SUSHUMNA Nadi(central conduit)

The above conduits are not hypothetical but technically they exist and are called the Left and Right Sympathetic Nervous system and the middle one as the CENTRAL Nervous system.

Ida conduit manifests our past.
Pingala conduit manifests our future.
Sushumna conduit manifests the PRESENT.

When we are Spiritually oriented and meditate, there is a balance in the PAST and the FUTURE manifesting the PRESENT , what we call MINDFULNESS these days, living in the present.

This balance can be brought upon by concentrating on is the BREATH.

Breathe in and out, not thinking of the past i.e not feeding the LEFT IDA conduit. Not thinking of the future i.e. not feeding the RIGHT Pingala conduit.
The past and the future are balanced out and merge in the center, the present leading to a MINDFUL state.

Ida also represents the feminine divine. Pingala represents the masculine divine. Sushumna represents culmination of Duality. The ONENESS

Merging of the individual with the collective whole.


This Primordial Energy has the power to heal every aspect of our being: spiritual, physical, emotional.

Imbalance in any of these 7 chakras or energy vortices, result in an unhealthy state. It can be cured by knowing which chakra is blocked and working on that particular chakra via meditation.

All these seven chakras control and heal different parts of the body. Every chakra is manifested in a specific part of the body. By activating them, we can actually heal ourselves from within.

****I will cover these details in forthcoming blogs****

When the primordial energy is uncoiled and unfurls upwards via the spine, the blockages of our chakras are removed, and this Kundalini goes straight up till the Crown Chakra and Eureka! Enlightenment!.

Each Chakra(energy vortex) is associated with a color which is in sync with the 7 Rainbow colors. We can use these colors to activate /envigorate the blocked Chakras and heal from within.

pc acolors.com

To conclude:

  1. We are all spiritual beings.
  2. Spirituality, the primordial energy, the Kundalini is inside us coiled at the base of the spine.
  3. It is in a dormant state.
  4. It can be activated via meditation and Yogic activities.
  5. This Primordial Energy has the power to heal each and every aspect of our being, spiritual, physical, emotional.

Let’s not be naiive like the musk deer. The fragrance is inside us waiting to be discovered.

I wish you too give it a try of tapping the dormant energy to heal from within.

More on Healing from within can be found below:



Indubala Kachhawa
Spiritual Secrets

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.