The Simple Phrase Ram Dass’s Guru Spoke Again and Again

Two short Hindi words that sum up the spiritual landscape.

David Gerken
Spiritual Secrets


Ram Dass met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, in 1967 in northeastern India. That chance encounter changed his life from that day forward and, if you’ve benefited from Ram Dass’s teachings, it changed yours, too.

This piece is specifically about one thing Baba said over and over, usually out of the blue, to Ram Dass and many other of his followers. He would say two Hindi words:

“Sub ek.”

The English translation is “All one.” All one. What does that mean?

Maharajii, a higher being

Before answering that, it’s worth relating a little more about who Neem Karoli Baba was. Maharajii, as he was known by his devotees, was a higher being, for lack of a more eloquent phrase. Because I plan to write a full article about Maharajii, I don’t want to spend too much space describing him now.

Suffice to say that he operated on a different plane. How? One way that manifested is that he had special powers, known in Sanskrit as siddhis. Please know that for me to write that last sentence means something because I have always been a rational, fact-based skeptic. But there are literally hundreds of stories, many from Ram Dass…



David Gerken
Spiritual Secrets

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at