The Song

A spiritual poem

Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets
May 19, 2021


Within the twinkling eves,
there was a song.
It rose up
from the depths of the people.

Across twinkling eves, there was Song.
It was for all the people. It said:
“Give us truth!
Give us truth
so that we may weave our craft — the one we chose
so very long ago.
The one that pulled us to Earth.”

Within twinkles and eves,
there was a song of the people.
It soothed even the screams of
the empty pockets,
the way that the shoes
always seemed to gather dust.

The song said:

Rain awaits!

Love awaits!

Yes, a song for the people.
A song for the day.
For you
and me
and the dream we dreamt
not so very long ago.



Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets

PhD. Author and Reiki teacher. Co-creating a world of sacred wisdom and radiant wellness. Learn with me at