This Body, A Prayer

Michelle Berry Lane
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
Jan 23, 2021


A poem of gratitude

“La Danse (first version)” 1909, oil on canvas, by Henri Matisse, PD-US,

Miraculous creaturely warmth
sustained in the red music
of heart’s rhythm,
a translation, a transmission

each breath cycle,
blessings and signs
gift transformed to offering
generous without effort

the infinite space
between palms as they meet
hands rise, for all the many reasons
they might rise

bow, embrace, step whimsically,
grateful feet on the earth;
being in stillness, being in silence;
surrendering completely in sleep . . .

This body, a prayer.

Written in response to the Spiritual Secrets weekly prompt: “Prayer”

Thank you Darshak Rana! Cheers!



Michelle Berry Lane
Spiritual Secrets

Earthling, Writer, Teacher, Learner; Attending to thresholds and the uncovering of meaning. MA in Theopoetics & Writing (ESR ‘23); taught kids sci/nature 25+y