Uncertainty is Certain

How do you deal with it?

K. Barrett
Spiritual Secrets


Photo, Jerzy Górecki, Pixabay

The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice. — Bertrand Russell

Certainty Provides Comfort

As humans, we feel most comfortable when we are certain. Knowing at least the gist of what’s coming and the expected outcome allows us to be at peace. Some people like surprises, but most of the time we have a need to be certain. Uncertainty can cause worry, stress, and even uncomfortable physiological responses. In extreme cases, full-on panic attacks are triggered when we are uncertain of an important outcome.

Uncertainty is certain. No matter what we do, we almost always face an element of uncertainty. Sometimes we find some peace in considering an anticipated maybe, worst-case scenario, or might. Other times things pop up without any warning. We have no choice but to deal with them. There may be no evidence to support a smooth path to a specific outcome. This can cause even more uncertainty.


I have worked very hard to have as much control as possible over every aspect of my life. This ensured me more peace and less stress over uncertainty. I thought this was the ultimate goal everyone was striving for. I felt content knowing that I had my bases covered and very…



K. Barrett
Spiritual Secrets

Awe ambassador. Nature and travel photographer. Also, an educator, mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Sharing the power of awe with the world.