Understanding The Human Mind

🥰Lanu Pitan🥰
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2020


‘’The incredible thing about the human mind is that it didn’t come with an instruction book.’’ Terry Riley

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Spiritual Saturday

‘’The Science of the MIND can only have for its proper goal
The understanding of human nature by every human being
And through its use bring peace to every human soul.’’ Alfred Adler

‘’The more I understand the MIND and the human experience
The more I begin to suspect there is no such thing as unhappiness
There is only ungratefulness.’’ Steve Maraboli

‘’I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of the pattern.
I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker.
The human MIND cannot conceive of the four dimension
So how can he conceive of a God before whom a thousand years,
And a thousand dimensions are as one?’’ Albert Einstein

‘’Overthinking causes the human MIND to create negative scenarios
And or replay painful memories.’’ ThePsychMind.com

‘’The human MIND is a powerful thing in many ways
But in others, its endlessly fragile
It takes only a single moment of pure terror to tear a hole in it
Like a finger through a cobweb
Leaving you forever, just a shadow, a half person.’’ Alexander Gordon Smith

‘’I believe that every human MIND
Feels pleasure in doing good to another.’’ Thomas Jefferson

‘’Power is tearing human MIND to pieces
And putting them together again
In new shapes of your own choosing.’’ George Orwell

There is so much to the human MIND that we don’t understand
But you see, if you have faith you can do anything.’’ Rachel Joyce

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for the prompt, MIND, and tagging me to take part. Blessings. While going through my journal, I have incredible quotes on the human MIND, that I feel, there’s nothing else to add, as these quotes express The Human MIND beautifully.

