Your Thoughts Create Your World

Our thoughts create our circumstances, so we experience what we think

Photo by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash

Poetry Saturday (The Prose)

It is the desire of all to live a happy blissful life
That desire can only be achieved first by looking inward
‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom’, said Aristotle
Create a more positive outlook about your life, to begin with

How you see yourself is what will manifest in your life
Because it will alter your thinking pattern about yourself
Which in turn, as an assumption will show up in your life
And causes you to put in less effort and the energy to improve

Once you nurture a believe (positively or negatively) about yourself
You start looking for something to reinforce that belief in yourself
And also discounts what does not support that belief in yourself
And so your belief stunts your growth and limits your performance.

Creating a more positive outlook about your entire life
Helps in accessing all that is required to bring it to fruition
Hence just by positively alter your perception about yourself
Will nullify self-limiting beliefs that bring success to your life

‘’The biggest concentration camp is your own mind and the key is in your pocket’’ Dr Edith Eger

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for today’s Poetry Saturday Prompt, ‘’CREATE’’, and inviting me to participate. Blessings.

