Follow, to lead

Alpha Lim, Alphiliate Marketer
The Biblepreneur
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2020


Follow, to lead

Stare into a candle flame.

Now stare at the base of the candle flame. (Let it be a broad candle.)

You’ll notice that tiny particles of ash are drawn slowly towards the burning wick, then as soon as they touch the burning wick, they are propelled with force to the periphery of the molten wax.

Round and round it goes, in a cycle. Like the water cycle.

Nature is cyclical

Precipitation falls on the land, flows downstream into the seas, condenses into clouds, falls as precipitation again.

Nature is cyclical. But each cycle is different. As you cycle, you grow.

Like the wax that is drawn to the flame and then propelled outward, so is leadership.

You are drawn toward the vision and then when you come into contact with it, you are propelled by its power, on a mission.

This sends you out powerfully as the latest hot shit.

But inevitably, you will cool down again. And then you need to be drawn by the vision again, until you come into transforming contact with the mission.

The cycle never stops

It’s a continual cycle.

“What, you mean I have to keep motivating myself again and again?”

