A Child of The Universe

Because sometimes it is hard to answer the “Who are you?” question.

Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree
4 min readNov 22, 2020


She always considered herself a Child of the Cosmos. Coming from nowhere and everywhere, her roots from no specific soil and the wind transporting her soul to the four corners of the world. The Earth was her mother and the Universe her father. The Planet, her home.

Picture taken by the author — Portugal 2020

She was fierce and yet kind, strong but sweet, implacable in her flexibility and that was destabilising for those around her.
Loneliness and solitude were her friends and she would bring them with her to parties, brunches and social events. And she would never be alone.
She had no religion but her own. As a teenager, they would call her a witch.
She lived in the present, with its gifts to her, free from her past that would make her better instead of bitter, and detached from her future, for nobody ever knows what it holds.

She gave more value to what she was than to what she had, as possessions were only a weight, slowing her down on her journey to self-discovery.
She communicated in her own way, with her eyes, her smile and the words she would choose carefully, as for her, language was a tool but she knew tools could be empowering and dangerous at the same time.
She was aware words create the reality that surrounds us and that they can be superfluous, that they are merely a weak attempt to express thoughts that are themselves often a poor representation of our feelings and deeper sensations.

She loved dancing, the freedom it gave her, this meditation-like feeling, the possibility of getting lost in the music, her body free, communicating with others and invisible forces around her.
For her, it was another expression of herself, of life, of the divine we all have inside of us.
She knew deep down that all is connected, that we are pure energy, one with all.

She thought Love is endless and the more one shared it the more one received in return. She knew, all without exception, deserved it.
She chose for pillars, love, integrity, growth, contribution and gratitude.
She attracted like-minded people -soul siblings, living their own truth too, and for that, she was eternally grateful. Even though that same freedom and love that allowed her to meet them, was also the one that made them exit her life as swiftly as they had entered it.

She also made others uncomfortable, with her soul that was maybe too old for them to comprehend.
Her beliefs were often too different to be understood by most, yet she still wanted to reach them. Because for her, life was easy and this message was worth sharing.

She knew people thought what she said seemed too good to be true. She turned to the Universe who had its own perfect solution. See, the Universe knows that human beings are inquisitive when it comes to the life of others, for some, it is even almost a form of unhealthy curiosity.
People don’t want to hear you talk about what you have read in books or heard at conferences. They want to hear, see, even feel what you lived, your deepest, strongest, also darkest moments. It makes them feel better, whether it be because it reassures them to know that there is worse than their life, or because they want to learn more about others, or because they see it as inspiration, or because they feel some sort of pleasure in the misery of others. The reason does not matter. The fact is they do.

So, she would stumble from time to time. At job interviews, at love stories, at being in perfect health, at being rich, at dealing with mourning, at being confident with her beliefs. And that would turn out to be her greatest strengths.

Being overworked and having no recognition showed her and others what resilience and selflessness meant.
Having found soul siblings, twin flames and soul mates but having to let go of them showed her and others the power of unconditional love.
Being sick and on the brink of death showed her and others the power of belief systems.
Living under the poverty threshold showed her and others what really being rich is, and how little we actually need when we have faith and manage to see beauty all around us, in a smile or a sunset.
Losing loved ones showed her and others the value of life and the importance of living each day as if it was the last, (un)consciously changed by the events and those cherished memories.
Doubting herself and what she believed in, in those situations, showed her and others that it is only by questioning yourself and your environment that you can truly evolve and grow.

And for all she was and did, she could live a fascinating life.
Fulfilling, yet she knew she would struggle at times.
Beautiful, yet she knew she would be on her own on that path, from time to time.
Intense, yet she knew she would hope for peace and emptiness on some days.
Rich, yet she knew she would strive for minimalism.
Easy, yet she knew it was only a question of perspective and reaction to facts that per se are neither good nor bad.
And all would be accepted as a part of life, these forever intertwined yin and yang that allow us and the world to be whole, balanced.

And she would try to move to the rhythm of life, breathing at the pace of her surroundings, slowing down her expirations to enjoy even more all she would inspire, with full consciousness and no expectations, so that she could keep sharing with love.



Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree

Leader, teacher, learner. In no specific order. Constantly questioning, investigating and discussing to ensure growth on all levels. So leave your comments!