Advice From a Tree

Kirsty Q
Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020
Image — Pixabay

Nature is magical, it is alive, it is majestic, it’s here in the moment. It is easy to forget and bypass the birds chirping in the morning on our daily commute, or the stillness of a field at dawn untouched with fresh water droplets clinging to the lush grass.

Take a minute to be present and breath.

We are all so busy that the little things can be taken for granted.

There is a lovely poem by Ilan Shamir, “Advice from a Tree” that we can all take nuggets of wisdom from:

· Stand tall and proud

· Go out on a limb

· Remember your roots

· Drink plenty of water

· Be content with your natural beauty

· Enjoy the view

Methuselah is an ancient tree nestled in the white Mountains of California, estimated to be around 4850 years old. It has lived through many times, changes, heartaches, losses and joys. It’s roots are embedded deep in the earth, a wonder of Mother Earth’s creation that is truly a marvel. Yet we chose to focus our energies on little trivial things that in the grand scale of things simply just do not matter.

When you find yourself caught up in life, just stop.

Look at a tree or close your eyes and imagine a tree. It’s branches reaching out, the colours of the leaves, the roots working through the ground. Take in it’s wisdom and beauty to truly be the best version of you.



Kirsty Q
Spiritual Tree

Writing mainly in the Women & Finance categories but generally whatever tickles my fancy at the time!