Carrying Lies

Annelise Lords
Spiritual Tree
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2021


Don’t carry lies, they will tie you up. But carrying the truth won’t.

Spiritual Tree Weekly Prompt ‘Universal Love.’

Image by Annelise Lords. This is what lies will do to you.

Listening to Mavis and Delores talking.

“I saw you peeked into the room with the treadmill, the exercise bike, and the books. Then you took the cover of the aquarium and the grey bag off the bed and walked out,” Mavis accuses.

“Then if you saw that, why didn’t you try and stopped me?” Delores defends.

“Well, I didn’t know you were a ‘pata cat.’ You know no one comes into my house, so I expect all my stuff to be there. I need it and was searching when I remembered that it was on top of the aquarium. My husband said he put it on the bed, and it was then I remembered that you walked out with the grey bag it was in.”

“But you didn’t say that yesterday,” Delores berates on the edge of anger.

“Every human that comes into my life is tested. I believe that humans give me the power to read their minds by their choices, actions, and decisions.”

“How do I give you the power to read my mind?”

“Yesterday I wanted to give you the benefit of doubt, that’s why I said that I knew you picked it up by mistake. That was a line I threw out to test your greed and honesty.”

