Climate Change — A Dog’s Tale

Kaustubh R Erande
Spiritual Tree
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2020

A poem

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

It’s been a great life
for a dog under bridge
with a bird and its owner
free without a siege

Never chained…nor trained
Never loved…nor tamed

Rain, sun or snow
all had one shed
When the days were hard
eyes found a stale bread

I didn’t care before but now it feels the need
As I see the passing cars, all I see is the greed
The bird I knew once, is not to be seen anywhere
Humans I once pledged to never seem to care

It rains too often and gets too hot
What has changed now that it got to that
How to stop this and what can we do
Trust me, my life is yours in this if that’s the way to go

I plead and urge to find the cure
to find the power back in nature
to seek the balance that you desperately need
and not just for you but for the ones to succeed

let’s embrace what nature gives us, not ask for more
and not forget to invest back and preserve

and you will have my pledge back again
but you will have my pledge only then…



Kaustubh R Erande
Spiritual Tree

Writer. Reader. Listener. Observer. Believer. There’s only one earth.