Conscious Resilience

Overcoming adversity and change

Alicia C. R
Spiritual Tree
3 min readJul 28, 2020


Resilience is our internal capacity to overcome the adversities that present to us. Life is no more than a challenge and, we would not have accepted the challenge of coming to this world if it didn’t involve intense experiences of emotions and learning.

Photo by David Wirzba on Unsplash

For the soul, resilience is an ability that allows us to enrich our experiences to integrate, transcend and recreate from a new level of consciousness.
Resilience is very important because, it is a skill of emotional intelligence, without it, we could not try again, get up after falling, laugh at our mistakes, learn from them and accept that we are not a finished product but a being in the evolutionary process of constant change.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

Resilience makes us: flexible to adapt and firm to continue learning. Using resilience is powerful, it makes us strong, courageous, perseverant and resistant, it helps us overcome difficulties with an open attitude to flow and be patient. Sometimes being resilient is just knowing how to wait, give time to time, have patience and trust and to let go of the need for control.
It takes resilience to accept life’s unforeseen changes and events not as misfortunes and problems, but as opportunities to be more conscious of our mind and body. Cultivating conscious resilience allows us to move forward knowing that even though there are losses, hardships and falls, this as hard as they can be, they truly help us to:
- Value what we are and realize how far we can go.
- Know ourselves better so we grow up by taking responsibility for our emotional responses.
- Practice coherence by being true to ourselves, by living based on the values ​​that help us make conscious decisions.
- Practice an optimistic attitude seeing the positive in each adverse situation, there is always something to be thankful, even in the worst circumstance.
- Learning to forgive which, frees us and heals our soul.
- Accept what we cannot change and assume that until now we have done the best we can.
- Recognize when to ask for help, know that we can always seek and receive support from someone or a resource in times of frustration, depression or anxiety.

- Learning how to live in the present moment, focusing in one day at a time, flowing without inner resistance.

Photo by Conor Luddy on Unsplash

Because in the face of adversity, all we have to do is develop internal skills of self-acceptance and self-esteem that will allow us to better overcome the waves in a rough sea, trusting that by not resisting what is, we will be able to emerge stronger with more wisdom to face whatever comes our way, and who knows, maybe during the storm the trajectory of our lives will be redirected to write a new chapter from a vision with more freedom.



Alicia C. R
Spiritual Tree

Proud mother, spiritual being, seeking peace of mind, and emotional freedom through writing.