Day of the Moon

begin again

Mary Corbin
Spiritual Tree


Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

Remember when Monday
was the least favorite day of the week
back to work back to school
the ease of the weekend over too soon
Day of the Moon
come all too quickly
all leisure behind
back to the grind

But now it’s all the same
a whole new game
is being played by most of us
we barely keep track of what day
it is
no longer a fuss
lost in gray shades of sameness

But no, I say
take notice
the Day of the Moon
new beginnings
each Monday is the chance
to wipe the slate clean
Begin Again

Vow to leave the past behind
the undone business the sadness of loss
the should-haves what-ifs why nots
that did not pan out
without explanation
past arguments and disagreements
that could not earn progress
towards anything fruitful or right
try as we might



Mary Corbin
Spiritual Tree

Artist and Writer based in CA. Can’t get enough vivid colors, well-told stories and walks in the woods. Visit: