Following Fate

Annelise Lords
Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2020


A story on Refuge and Fate

Refuge Symbol from VectorStock recreated by Annelise Lords

Senator Angelina Durst was asked to give a speech at her alma mater Hudson State University, to the graduating class of 2019. She stared at the eager excited faces in front of her, adorned in their navy-blue gowns and caps. Her thoughts flying back to her graduating class twenty years ago. She remembers the feeling, followed by the excitement and anticipation of what lies ahead.

Her silence grabs their attention as they quieted down.

She reached for the microphone and said, “Congratulations graduates.”

“Thank you,” they said in unison.

“What is refuge for you?” She asked.

“To find a safe place,” they all say.

“What is a safe place for you?” she asked.

A voice said, “anywhere free from harm.”

Another voice said, “a secure job that I love, with a good salary, a good pension plan, and health insurance.”

Another voice said, “A job where I can make a difference.”

Someone said, “A job where I can be me, without fear.”

Angelina smiles and said, “Twenty years ago, I was in the audience in this hall, eager and ready to fight the world and defy the odds. I lived in a sheltered world with both parents and fate holding my…

