Forever Moments

Realize how long a second truly lasts.

Spiritual Tree


Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

Infinity feels like a long way off.

But there’s infinite potential in a moment.

The blind might scoff.

Say it’s necessary to second guess..
Every second past is a second less.

I gotta keep count.

I gotta keep stress.

Or else I won’t impress,
others enough for their invest.

But if you invest in you,
do your best for you,
realize all that these seconds do.

So many choices,
we act like we’re voiceless.
That’s because we’re not choosing our purpose.

Fear lurking causes us to be uncertain.

See some photographs
and want to live as a different person.

How sad is that?

Cue the saddest laugh.

Resigned to a life losing battles fast.
Couldn’t stop cycles so you had to crash.

But you never fought.
Or you didn’t try.



Spiritual Tree

essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity