God’s Life-Changing Answer

To a special needs parent’s question

Yvonne Borgquist
Spiritual Tree
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

Why God Why?

This question took possession of me.
Daily tears in a rageful flow,
like a volcano wildly spewing toxicity.
I cried out to God,
why are you punishing my child?
He doesn’t deserve this,
he should be perfect.
Two fists locked with resentment,
eyes glaring and fixated toward Heaven.
My family’s plans for the future
thrown off its axis and targeted to suffer.
Kneeling and begging,
Please make my son whole.
Lord, have mercy!
And if you refuse,
I desperately need to know why.

Suddenly, the tumultuous storm
felt within my soul
was silenced.
I felt His peaceful presence wash over me,
as He placed His divine hand over my heart.
I chose to be still,
as I listened to His voice.

Dearest Daughter,
I have not placed joy’s death sentence upon your family.
Your questions will transform
into prayers of gratitude,
as your faith and trust in Me blossom.
Trust in Me with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.

I do not ask why anymore,
for I am no longer bound by grief.
Completely surrendering to His will,
I now rejoice that He has an Almighty plan.
My answer has been found in Him.

Yvonne Borgquist is a special needs parent who has survived many storms of life. Her faith in God has blessed her with a resilient attitude.



Yvonne Borgquist
Spiritual Tree

My passions are raising awareness of the special needs community, public speaking, consistently enjoying life with a grateful heart, and glorifying God.