Grass Fairies

A poem on ‘dissolving into being’

Saja Fendél
Spiritual Tree


Created on Midjourney

Grass fairies float, they never fly
Uplift the soul of one who wonders
Summer soft and angel bright
Free from ending, free from life

Landing in the heart of I
Sinking back to love again
Again it seems yet never so
This loving presence is our home

Forgive this clumsy language
For giving names to the nameless face
I forsake Myself with every word
Yet with every word, I see His face

Silence is the only teacher
Words alike it’s only students
We try to paint the paint-less art
Over an open, empty, perfect picture

Neither one nor ever two
Not what we can Truly know
Yet knowing is our very nature
The only one that ever knows

Because this knowing is all that’s known
We know only what we’ve ever known
The faceless face that lives in objects
And the presence of the one who knows



Saja Fendél
Spiritual Tree

Deepen your intimacy and romance with life. Writer of pathways to unconditional happiness, the nature of reality and the essence of perennial philosophy.