Have you ever noticed a blind person?

Look again or you will miss a spiritual lesson

Dr Bhupesh Gupta
Spiritual Tree
3 min readJan 30, 2023


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed a blind person? Especially the one born blind. There is a perpetual smile on their face.

Have you ever wondered what are they smiling about? Since birth, they have not seen anything. What is it that is making them smile? Or is it that they are smiling sarcastically at their misfortune? And how have they maintained that constant smile for so long? They have that smile even when they are talking to someone. Sitting alone they are still smiling.

In contrast, most of us smile only if we see or hear something we are related to or find amusing or when posing for pictures or when our profession demands so.

But they seem to be smiling without any reason. Nowadays we see that kind of smile only on the faces of children. But we know as they grow older even they will lose it. Does that mean that all we are born with that smile? And joy is our inherent nature and that’s what we descend with into this world. But as we start growing up and see more and more of the external world we start losing that smile.

All of us want to feel good and happy. It's natural and there is nothing wrong with it. Our five senses which are oriented outwardly scan the external world and identify activities, relationships, and indulgences which will improve our feel-good factor. From detoxification to external beautification, we aspire to do many things which make us more desirable and accommodating to the external world. We want to accomplish our goals and possess worldly things only to maintain that feeling of happiness within us. Some of us do experience some moments and limited durations of ecstasy but are not able to hold it for extended periods of time. In the end, we are always left unsatisfied and wanting.

More single-mindedly you chase pleasure, soon you find nothing pleasing anymore

– Somerset Maugham

It means maintaining a true smile on our face, the one with which we are born is a daunting if not impossible task if we just rely on our interaction with the external world.

So again the same question. Why is the blind smiling? Are they seeing something which we are not? Unable to see outward are they seeing something inwards? And is there an inner world vaster more beautiful more satisfying more complete?

Nowadays a lot of us are trying to get that peace of mind and access to that infinite world by shutting our eyes to the external world. But we all know meditation is not easy. The pull of the external world is too great. Leaving it altogether and sitting with a quiet mind for extended periods of time is difficult.

But the blind seem to be naturally endowed for the inner experience. It doesn’t mean I am mocking the blind or showing indifference to the problems and the ostracization they face in this world which we have designed largely for the abled. On the contrary, I would like to say that if you see a blind person, don't look with pity but with curiosity and wonder. And hold their hand not only to help them cross the road but trying to touch the reality with which they are always in touch.

Most of us are lucky that we have eyes that can see. Seeing the external world as nature’s wonder is a blessing and navigating through it helps our existence. But in getting too entangled with it we may miss the universe within us.

Whenever I see a blind man smiling I hear him saying –

outside world darkness never troubles those whose inner world is always lighted.

because our smile at birth because of our contact with our inner nature as WWE get entangled more into sensual pleasures we lose connection with our inner nature eyes are only for seeing the physical creation just seeing the physical creation can turn out to be a disappointment for human because physical creation is only minisicule in comparison to the invisible creation so we

