I Am Grateful for All That I Have

A meditation on gratitude

Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2020


Artwork by author

No matter where you are, no matter what you have, you have something to be grateful for. At the very least, you are breathing to be able to read this. By keeping gratitude in the forefront, your energy will rise. Ingratitude sucks energy away, and you will find yourself in a negative spiral. By being positive with gratitude, not only will you be better able to appreciate what you have, but you will attract more positive things and people in your life. Everyone has experience hanging around people who constantly complain about this and that. It does not matter for these people whether they live in slums or sitting in a mansion; they will complain about this. And people around them will be drained as they, too, are sucked into this vortex of ingratitude. Be positive. Be grateful for what you have had in your life, all that you have, and for that which is coming your way.

Throughout the day, look around your life and express gratitude for it. For the people, for the living things like animals and plants, for your food, for your clothing, for your shelter, for the weather, for your senses, you’re the very air you breathe — for your life.

I am grateful for_____. I am grateful for all that I have.



Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books. www.janakasartandbooks.com