On kindness

Ananya Ashok
Spiritual Tree
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2020
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

When jealousy, deceit, anger, resentment, envy,
hatred, hope, faith, belief, wanting, needing,
loneliness, desire, and loathing become too much to bear,
When you can no longer wake up to run — to compete
And to prove yourself in a race so futile
What remains with you is only kindness.

When all those layers are slowly peeled away
And your soul is stripped down to utter nakedness —
Kindness is an attire you can still wear.
When wealth you accumulated through toil
Suddenly vanishes on a random day
Through kindness you become rich.

When your coveted job passes you by
Through kindness, you rise in rank.
When fear takes ahold of your anxious mind
Looking at troubles with magnifying lenses
In kindness, you will find soothing and succor.

When you are weary and can go no step further
Kindness will be your best friend with a crutch.
When you hope, pine and hold onto a vision
That exists only in your fancy
Through kindness, you grow again the roots of reality.

Through kindness, you fly but also might fall
But those your falls never cripple your soul —
nor break your spirit or leave you weighed down.
Through kindness, you find forgiveness
for yourself, others, and all in this world.



Ananya Ashok
Spiritual Tree

I am a marine scientist who could never stop being a writer, dreamer, and poet at heart. My writing finds inspiration in life, philosophy, science & nature.