Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

A Mystical Poetry

Life Is!

Life Is, But Life!

Spiritual Tree
Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2020


Sometimes, life is
The dusk with endless longing
The dawn with eternal yearning
A journey full of desires
A battle to be won
A phantom ache
A moment of pleasure

Sometimes, life is
Broken we all are within
Seeking gold outside
To mend the layers
Unaware that the light
Piercing the broken layers
Healing the wounds
We carry
Through words, deep feelings
Through intentions, and revealing

Life is, but
Reflection of each other
A mirror with mirrors
Seeing each others
Each moment, every instant
Beyond judgment, ideology
Beyond alliance and apology

Life is, but
Neither silent, nor listening
Incessant, unfathomable, ceaseless
Moving ahead boundless
Like an orb
Illuminating, enlightening
Healing always, giving and aligning

Life is, but
To feel, to live, to love, to laugh
Moment by moment
With yourself and yours
Deeply and thoroughly

Life is, but

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Spiritual Tree

Exploring The Unknown, Enjoying The Uncertainties, Embracing The Journey