Meditation for Spiritual Growth

Three practices to awaken to your Highest Self

AS Briggs
Spiritual Tree


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Meditation has grown in popularity with the release of meditation apps like HeadSpace and Calm. There are physiological benefits to a consistent meditation practice, such as lowering blood pressure and stress. There are the emotional benefits of feeling calmer and less reactive. Many practitioners of meditation report spiritual benefits as well: feelings of oneness, connectedness, and peace.

For some, meditation is a simple practice of focusing on the breath with tangible health benefits. For others, it is a transcendent practice that brings the human self into alignment with the spiritual. Some people only see the benefits of meditation when they are doing it. For others, a regular meditation practice changes their entire way of approaching life.

If you want to meditate for spiritual growth, your practice may look different from those who are seeking health benefits. Meditation for spiritual growth is a path to finding the spark of divinity inside yourself. We are spiritual beings living a human experience, yet we spend most of our lives sucked into the aspects of being human. We forget our spirits along the way.

Meditation is a way to reconnect with our spiritual nature. As two-fold creations, we have two parts of our minds: the ego…



AS Briggs
Spiritual Tree

I write about personal growth and spirituality. And occasionally video games. Proud supporter of the Oxford comma.