My True Heart

A Poem

John O'Neill
Spiritual Tree


Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

You are
The center of my being
Leading me in a continual search for meaning
To a destination always just ahead
Eluding my grasp
Driven by your desire
For those who may channel
Your overflowing waters of love
While always looking for that “special” one
Who will make fulfillment a reality

Knowing there will be an abundant risk
Along the perilous pathways
Choosing to go unguarded
Pain all but assured

At other times left giddy with happiness
By glimpses of the possible route to success
The finding of a life partner
Such a match assuredly
Bringing out tenderness and much growth
No sacrifice seemed too great for her

Yet still not content
Always restless for more
Desiring union of my total self
Body and spirit
Complete surrender to a lover
To the Other



John O'Neill
Spiritual Tree

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.