People Look Like Flowers

Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2020

Bukowski said that people look like flowers… I think I agree.

He also said,

“We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and

it is as if

the sun has become disgusted with waiting”

I think I agree.

but I also think the seed is buried deep down within all of us. Never watered and nurtured enough. We all talk about the depths of the ocean and the mysteries of the mountain, yet we rarely look into the depths and mysteries we carry in our hearts and souls.

Maybe there’s a reason why the mysteries of mountains and depths of the ocean rings our soul?

Maybe it’s because deep down it reminds us of ourselves? Our depths and mysteries?

The depths which we try to load with outward glitters and pleasures, doing things we would rather not do if not for them.

For most of us, the seed never discovers the opening to sprout.

What remains after we leave are the dumps. Stupid, lifeless dumps.

And for some of us, if we found that source during our childhood, we have never cared to nurture it, we have never paid enough heed to them to grow and blossom.

We are all burdened by society and its huge expectations. We are all too scared to dream.

And few of us, who recognize, who dare to dream, are too scared to bloom. We are scared to show up. We compare the grasses on either side when we know we are flowers. If this is not cruelty to our dreams, I don’t know what is.

Then, a day comes when the pain to remain tight in a bud is far more than the fear of blooming.

That is the day, the flower finally blooms.

You will feel the growth in you. You will watch the flower blooming at midnight in your dreams. You might also name that flower. Yes, I did. It’s a beautiful beautiful thing.

By god, you will know because you will feel. You won’t seek validation.

I wonder if the outward pleasures ever lead to that. Tell me if it does, it never did for me.

Or tell me if you are all stuck at one point, with nicer and expensive things.

People say it’s never too late. I would say it does get harder. The bigger the image one creates, the deeper the seed gets buried. A day might come when you lose touch with it. Sounds scary, no?

Some of us have already.

I think happiness is silent. It’s like a sunrise. Release your blindfold to see how mesmerizing it is.

We were born so delicate, what made us hard?

I hope you do not shy away in expressing what melts your 💛



Spiritual Tree

to live moments.. to write stories.. because i am here.