Plugging Along

Sanjit Sengupta
Spiritual Tree
Published in
Apr 19, 2021

Free verse poetry

Photo by Eduardo Prim on Unsplash

In the ebb and flow
Of work and life
There are moments
When self-doubts appear.

Am I doing my job right?
Am I meeting the needs
Of those around me?
Am I competent to keep going?

These are disturbing thoughts.
Then I dwell on the positive.
The contributions I’ve made
Far outweigh the negatives.

So I shall keep plugging along
With a cheer and a song
Appreciating the imperfect self
Within the perfect Universe.

Thanks to Simran Kankas for the prompt, Self-Appreciation, on Spiritual Tree



Sanjit Sengupta
Spiritual Tree

I like to express myself creatively in my haiku, poems and short stories.