Raptures Of Imagination

Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2020

… Treading afar Orion’s belt

men fly in defiance of maker

riding Sephora’s wing, a theatrics

of haven, some vestige caricature,

a force propelling existence

through milky ways

and further.

Beyond material prowess what lie,

in raptures of


Nothing to rein

that what transcends

quantum of realms

moulding matter, into space and time

how could one define,

without insufflation, the enigma

to rescind

in void yet disfavour resignation

men’s epitaph.

In solace in disdain in desolation

what lie beyond,

in raptures of


Satirical as Hubble’s finesse

fecundity of poets

not physicists not astronomers

tapped in vastness lain ajar

in lairs gargantuan

and infinitesimal

eluding loops of logic

and reasoning,

bearing sight the Elysium

thine kingdom come, what lies beyond

centuries of noises, folly and sin

in raptures of

Imagination …

Authors Note : Thank you Simran for coming up with yet another thought evoking THE SPIRITUAL WEEKLY prompt.

Lately, it got me thinking of how we as a species are defined by flourishes of our imagination. The power to transcend through the confines of land and tread beyond scapes, no physical entities can.

Humanity has been able to accomplish arduous feats at behest of its magnanimous power of fascination.

And even though time and again we fall through loops of fatuity, that seem to threaten our very grasps of existence, we will stand tall and prevail, always, no matter what, the cost.

©️ Rainman 2020



Spiritual Tree

Resident in Internal Medicine. Lover of humans and trees and mountains and breeze, life and all its cacophonies. Stitching life into prose and poetries.