Silence Under Tree and Moon

A painting-inspired poem

Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2020


Artwork by Janaka Stagnaro

The day of restless activities nears end
And the time of transition begins.
Make use of it, O Jiva,
And hear the hum of Silence.

Even the waves lap soundlessly
Under the birth of the New Moon;
And the trees welcome all who come for peace.

Feel the earth beneath you sigh,
And behold the clouds
To bear your thoughts gently away.

Imbibe, O Jiva,
Seeker of who you are,
The Silence of your Self.

— Janaka Stagnaro

Thank you for reading. Years ago I did a series of “Jiva” paintings. Jiva is Sanskrit for the individual consciousness, or soul that resides in all of us. Though it is not separate from Brahman, the Absolute, and is the same divine substance, there is still the part to play of evolving spiritually. Along with these paintings, I wrote poems to each, of which this is one.

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Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books. www.janakasartandbooks.com