Spiritual Growth In A World Of Many Paths

What is spiritual growth? And why do so many seem to not care?

Spiritual Tree
2 min readMay 5, 2020


Photo by Pixabay on pixels

First of all, we should define what spiritual growth means to make sure we’re speaking the same language.

As I’ve learned, spiritual growth is the process of attaining equivalence of form with the universal law of giving and love through a transformation of one’s intention from in order to receive to in order to bestow.

Secondly, it’s written in several places that it’s not possible to determine another person’s spiritual degree.

The exception to this is when two people exist on the same level in which case it is identifiable because they occupy the same spiritual space (meaning they possess the same spiritual qualities).

Now, in our spiritual growth, there are many paths that lead to the same goal. One in which a person reaches a state of absolute perfection and wholeness.

And the work of the few benefits the whole.

It’s like in a family. The parents work and the kids receive the benefits of food, clothes, and shelter. They don’t directly participate in the process.

Nevertheless, without the children, the parents wouldn’t have the same need to go out and work. Meaning the need to care for the children evokes greater abilities within the parents.

In this way, they depend on each other and operate as a single unit.

It’s the same with us. Yes, it’s true not everyone receives a desire for spiritual growth, and they don’t need one.

Some people simply want to be happy and live a calm life. And this desire also becomes spiritual when we combine it with the intention of those aimed at bestowal.

Because we exist in a single system, the aspirations of one who wishes to develop spiritually cause development in all the parts of the entire system.

Imagine cogwheels in a machine. When one cog turns it causes the rest of the cogs to turn as well.

In short, every person is an essential piece of the puzzle and everyone will ultimately reach the goal!



Spiritual Tree

Educator, musical artist, and father studying integral and natural systems for over 10 years.