Spiritual Resilience

How To Strengthen Your Spiritual Foundation


Life can throw some powerful punches. The ability to recover from those blows is called resiliency.

There are many factors to resiliency. You need physical as well as psychological techniques to toughen your inner spirit to overcome difficult times in life. A solid spiritual foundation is a key to enhancing that toughness.

Embrace faith and incorporate spirituality into your way of life. There are three main ways spirituality strengthens resiliency.

  • A Higher Power: Believing in something greater than yourself can help you find comfort when you are struggling. It takes the focus off of your struggles and creates a bigger picture. It helps to know that whatever you’re going through is for the greater good.
  • Purpose: Spirituality gives us direction which helps us to understand our purpose. When you know that you are part of something bigger and that your life matters it guides you in navigating life. Spiritual beliefs are the maps that lead us to our purpose.
  • Compassion: Spiritual awareness gives you compassion for your fellow man. As human beings, our compassion for others is what makes us special. It doesn’t matter if we know those that are hurt or not. We are empathetic, we care about what happens to others.

Exploring your spirituality and creating a foundation is crucial to facing life’s challenges. It gives you that helping hand up when you fall.

“Physical strength can never permanently withstand the impact of spiritual force.”- Franklin D. Roosevelt

