Spiritual Symbolism and Meaning of My Birth Month of August

The Infinity

K A Simran
Spiritual Tree
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2021


Photo by Slawek K on Unsplash

I know this is the last weekend of this month, but I still want to share the spiritual symbolism of August.

It is my way of paying tribute to my birth month as I am getting ready to celebrate another year on this amazing place called Earth.

The spiritual energy of August indicates new beginnings on mental and spiritual levels.

Letting go- The spiritual meaning of August —

1. Let go of the habit of judging yourself and others-
When we are judgmental, we don’t see what IS. We stop seeing and accepting things as they are. When we stop judging others, we focus on ourselves, and our life becomes peaceful.

The truth is, as we let go of judgment, we see them as a part of the world we live in, and we begin to feel the oneness with all that exists between us and our surroundings.

One must go beyond appearances to look within.

2. Let go of old pain and memories-
It is time to release what weighs you down and open your heart and mind to renewed clarity.

