Spirituality lives before our eyes

Observing life as it marches from birth to death and understanding its transient nature evolves us spiritually without needing to escape to the mountains.

Dr Bhupesh Gupta
Spiritual Tree
2 min readNov 16, 2021


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No books no talks no religion can
teach spirituality the way
You learn by experiencing
the birth of your children
the death of your parents
under the same roof

Spirituality is knowing creation
by observing experiencing
life and death
Through the source within

Scientifically universe was created
With a sound ‘ Big Bang ’
Spiritually universe started
Evolving with sound ‘ AUM ’

The first cry of the newborn
marks the entry of creation as life
The last whimper of the one Gone
Marks the exit of life to another dimension

When you hold your newborn
You see yourself within
When you let go of your parents
They still remain within

infinite creation
presents transitory experiences
attachment to one gives
only permanent pain

pain and pleasure
oscillatory expressions
of body and mind
keep us within time

let us try and rise
above thoughts and emotions
and transcend
into a realm of bliss
where everything is within
and you are within everyone

Birth and death
Are the two ends of the
thread of the life we know
In between are the knots of
success, failure,
attachments and responsibilities

Only when we know the ends
Can we untangle the thread of

In a world where I see more and more people either living alone or living within or living with another compulsively, I feel grateful to be still a part of interdependent conscious family life.

We see birth and death
We hear birth and death
But only as events

If we can observe consciously
the walk of life through the two
Inseparable points we can have
Some understanding of the life visible
To us

life makes us enter
the world theatre to
act and see others act
and then exits with us
to another much vast theatre
invisible to our limited senses

This is what our senses perceive as life occurring through the physical plane. But do you think that’s the only life?
If yes then no problem

But if you think there is another dimension of life to be experienced while still living I guess the only option is to increase our perception.

And if we are able to experience that dimension living will become joyful and dying just a transformation of life. We would become truly spiritual.

