Squall Watch

Lessons from Canadian weather — a poem

J.D. Ranade
Spiritual Tree
1 min readJul 29, 2020


Lightning storm over a city at night
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Sitting at the window, I look to the horizon,
A little cloud hovers and I watch in wonder:
In a moment the heavenly theatre goes dark,
Enter lightning bolts and rumbling thunder.

The trees creak and the grasses ripple,
The wind rages against the windowpanes,
To such music the clouds sing and dance
As rain sounds drum beats over the plains.

For the final act: a magic trick,
The rain, wind, and clouds disappear,
The sky that at once dark and foreboding,
As before at once is pristine and clear.

Such power in the Earth to rebel and rage,
And just as quickly find peace in turn.
Seek balance in life to weather any storm,
That is the lesson She wants us to learn.

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