Step Out Of The Fear Matrix And Take A Breather

Otis Ken
Spiritual Tree
Published in
6 min readApr 9, 2020
Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

Someone wise once said the next World War will be fought in the mind not the battlefield. Well, the war could already be on. And if it is, where do you stand?

We are in superficial world. And here, your greatest asset is your mind. Protect it with everything you have. Build a safety wall around it if you can.

The mind is like a garden. If you don’t act and plant the right seeds early on, the wind will blow in every kind of dirt and soon toxic weed will sprout out of it. It will become a mess you can’t control.

If you don’t plan your mind and set boundaries around it someone else will do it for you. There’s plenty of energy vampires out looking for vulnerable minds to prey on.

Have A Strong Stance

In confusing times like these, a lot of people are in a panic. Some of these people don’t want to panic alone. They want to build a community of panickers so they can feel safe in their panic zone. They pick up anyone they can find along their way and light them up with fear too.

If you don’t have a strong foundation, you might also find yourself in this bandwagon.

Everyone’s interpretation of circumstances is different.

Some people see needles in a bed of roses and vice versa, some see roses in a stack of needless.

This diversity in perception is essential for our survival because through it we can have a few people among us who see hope where others can’t.

In the books of knowledge such as the Bible, God often used people who were independent, sober, and open-minded to rescue a nation of collective thinkers from a calamity.

In light of what’s happening currently, if everyone falls for the wave of fear who will God use?

Do not see this as a time for us to die. It is merely a period of transition. There is a bigger picture. If you focus on the small picture you will miss it. Pay attention to how everything is evolving.

Have a strong foundation. Stand in courage and brevity even when everyone else around is mongering fear. As they crush the spirit and fall for desperation, be among the pillars that do not crumble along with the world. Don’t become a convert of fear. Related to this, I have written an article before titled Overcome The Fear of Death And Focus On Living Instead. If you have the time you can check it out.


If you are busy focusing on the falling bricks, you will never realize that they are truly stepping stones you need to cross over to the next phase of your life.” ― Kemi Sogunle

Fear Is Good It Keeps Us Alive

I’m not implying that it is inappropriate to have fear or anxiety about anything. We are all biochemically designed to experience fear and anxiety.

Every person you can think of in this world has their fears and anxieties. Mike Tyson, considered one of the best boxers of all time, said that before some of his fights he cried in the locker room out of fear. However, when he went into the ring he ferociously knocked out his opponents. Fear motivated him to become the icon he is today.

Therefore don’t feel bad if you constantly have fear or anxiety in life. Have it every day if you want to as long as it is reasonable and justifiable. Manage it in your own best way.

Fear can serve or sabotage you depending on how you use it. If you can’t shake it off, befriend it cautiously.

But don’t invest emotions around it or even let it influence your judgment.


“Fear is a gate; you control the password to unlock the fear gate. Overcoming fear is not a one-off event instead it is a step by step process whereas you unlock one small fear gate, you gain the confidence to unlock another gate and another one. Thereby increasing confidence and moving away from your comfort zone towards higher possibilities.” ― Duncan Muguku

How Be Fear-Impenetrable

1. Recognize the Fear Starts in You

Although the triggers of fear are all around us, fear often starts from within.

Fear doesn’t happen because someone gives it to us. We individually mobilize hormonal and emotional reactions in response to the external stimuli. We might get hooked to the fear depending on the amount of time and resources we invest in it. The more or less effort we put into it the more or less it is likely to consume us. Where focus goes energy flows.

Therefore, it is upon you to decide if the kind of fear being peddled at you is worth reacting to or not. If you don’t build this kind reflex in your psyche, you might still find yourself faltering and succumbing to panics.


Make an effort to dig deep within to identify the root of your fear. Undertake a root canal on fear. Put on an imaginary surgical mask and perform surgery on fear, cut open fear and analyze its contents under a microscope. Identify and isolate the fear toxins that are contaminating the cells.” ― Duncan Muguku

2. Stay at a Safe Distance From the Junk

Don’t allow people to contaminate you with their fears. Step away and don’t engage in conversations based on praising fear.

Fear spreads like a virus. If you tolerate it around long enough, it launches on your back slowly and starts sucking the energy out of you.

You may ask, in times like these shouldn’t we be well informed and have sufficient information on how to protect ourselves? Absolutely yes.

But do you need to be glued to the TV 24/7 and let the media blow a minor problem out of proportion?

That’s your decision to make. But in my honest opinion, you don’t need to.

Watching television is a big anxiety trigger and a morale-killer too. There are tonnes of other ways to have good times besides the TV. I have a post about how to not suck at self-isolation (tips to nail it like an introverted work-at-homer).

3. Put the Intellect into Use

Intellect allows us to analyze, reason, rationalize, and even criticize the circumstances around us.

One way to misuse the intellect is to not think for self.

Individual reasoning should always precede group-think. You can’t change the world by doing what everyone else is doing, can you?

Everyone in this world has a unique value that no other person can offer. Even the lunatic, as ridiculous as he may appear, has a value that no one else can provide.

Therefore in your individual thought always lies something that makes the difference no one would have ever made. Try to tap into that potential.

If you don’t put a filter on your mind, you will be easily carried away by the negative influences of other people. When they speak fear you will chorus along. When they cry you will cry. Whatever they think you will think.

On the other hand, if you chose to operate on your own terms of engagement, you will always direct your energy into a wiser purpose. I have a post about how to build resilience and mental toughness.

4. Recognize that you Always have a Choice

There’s always inexhaustible choices for every situation.

If something is causing you anxiety and fear, try to find your way out of it.

Keep trying again and again.

But if it proves to be unworkable, let it be. Even choosing not to do anything when circumstances are beyond control is a choice. Sometimes it is the best choice. Way better than living with fear.

So whenever you hit a wall pray and trust that something will happen. Don’t dwell on it any longer or feel anxious about it.

You can’t pray and at the same time express fear. That is one of the biggest forms of hypocrisy. It is like opening the emptying and filling taps at the same time to fill a tank. What results do you expect?


As I close this chapter I understand that opinions differ. My intention is not to serve these opinions as superior to any other opinion about what’s going on out there. Rather I want to portray the situation in a positive light.

Sometimes the world is happy but only you see a reason to fear. Other times, the world is in fear but you see no reason to fear. And for me this is it. If we share the same views about it, let us join hands and give hope and encouragement to those that need it. Let them know we are immortals that never perish. And that eventually everything comes to light.

I publish other stories like this on My Blog.



Otis Ken
Spiritual Tree

He reads and writes. He conceives, merges, and courageously expresses dynamic ideas. He finds joy sharing his liberal voice with the world.