Thank You

Tomi Esuruoso
Spiritual Tree
Published in
Jun 29, 2020


Photo by KristinaZ on Adobe Stock

“I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.” — Joyce Meyer

Thank you
Because I am gradually becoming
All you planned I would be
Thank you
Because my life is aligning with
The dream you dreamt for me
Thank you
Because you are taking me
Farther than my eyes can see

On the shoulders of my Maker
I am sitting
In the shelter of the Most High
I am living
The breath of the Almighty
I am breathing

What else can I do
But thank you?
For all you do,
For all you are,
Thank You.



Tomi Esuruoso
Spiritual Tree

Creative Writer and Blogger. You can find me on Instagram @wordsbytomi