The Driving Force Of Development

Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2020
Photo by simonmigaj on Pexels

What drives a person is the desire to receive pleasure.

This is the fundamental program of human beings and what moves our entire civilization in our thirst for food, sex, family, money, honor, power, knowledge, and eventually something called spirituality.

This desire is shaped largely depending on what kind of environment a person grew up in and which environment he finds himself in at each moment.

Still, I don’t make even the slightest movement of my hand without the thought, either consciously or subconsciously, that by moving my hand I will be in a more advantageous position.

The trick to life is knowing how to develop the proper intention atop our various desires.

The problem is we can’t always calculate how to correctly move forward in life and by which means we can receive the greatest sense of fulfillment and value.

This is especially true for one who begins to ask about the purpose of life as this is something that, in the beginning, is completely unclear.

Nevertheless, a person is ultimately led to a place where he does receive an answer about his purpose.

But this is only the beginning…

There’s also the matter of implementation and acquisition of this purpose.

For that, one should find a teacher and a supportive environment.

Why? Because a person is influenced by their environment.

And let’s face it, the vast number of people that live without questioning life’s purpose greatly outweighs the number of those who do seek it. This influences a person.

And because one is always in the process of clarifying more precisely their definition of purpose, which oftentimes becomes fuzzy and clouded by the multitude of influences in the world, it is imperative that one receives guidance on how to continuously reinforce and strengthen the importance of the desire to achieve their purpose.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that we exist in an integral world and that together we can thrive.

I very much hope that with this awareness we can quickly reach the good future intended for us.



Spiritual Tree

Educator, musical artist, and father studying integral and natural systems for over 10 years.