The Miracle of We

When You and I Come Together

Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree
Mar 15, 2021


Image by Natalia Medd on Flickr

What a party!
Even the most successful monogamy requires a minimum of three.
Some call it the miracle of We.

Without You there is no We,
Nor is there, without I.
We cannot be just I,
Nor can it be just You.

Yet, We is its own entity,
A quality? There are plenty!

We can share, We can care,
We can compromise, We can harmonise,
We can understand, We can transcend.

But oh reader beware,
We is not always fair!

We can bicker and be bitter,
We can suffocate or be inconsiderate,
We can censor, be an oppressor.

A piece of advice?
Have your I well set
Before taking off for the We Planet.
Then choose the You that will allow your I to feel entirely free in the Miracle of We.



Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree

Leader, teacher, learner. In no specific order. Constantly questioning, investigating and discussing to ensure growth on all levels. So leave your comments!