The New Man
The Birth of New Consciousness
Climbing the ladder up a step, or two, then descending again
A butterfly still in the cocoon, trying to break free from the chains
On the tight-rope held between the two mountains, I walk
An arduous, nevertheless, incredible unending mission
I should undertake, for me to cross.
With no other recourse for redemption from these chains
I muster up my courage and commence. I sleep, I slip, I slumber
Standing up again, gathering scattered pieces of my faith together
I shake off the doubts and start again.
With danger lurking on both sides; one future, one side past
A thin tightrope to tread upon — this moment, as it lasts
Getting swayed by either side or being pulled by the flesh
A moment of distraction, Snap! I’ve got to start afresh.
This is just not my expedition, at some point, of every man
To find that which is unchanging — stillness, inside
With absolute bliss and deep silence unwavering
At peace with what is; knowing both pleasure and pain are fleeting