The Rain, the Snow, the Wind

That which is recurring comes and goes, yet always remains

Darren Richardson
Spiritual Tree


Rain falls fifty years ago,
I am a wet boy sailing a toy boat
in small streams alongside curbs.

Rain falls fifty minutes ago,
I mutter bitterly about the umbrella
hanging dryly in my closet.

Snow falls when I am 8,
I ask my mother for a carrot
to use for a snowman’s nose.

Snow falls when I am 55,
I regret turning down the job
that was waiting for me in Orlando.

The wind blows where it will
when I am a child, a teen,
a young up-and-comer, a man with gray hair.

The wind blows where it will
and I imagine a dove in flight,
leading me back to my own lost heart.

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Darren Richardson
Spiritual Tree

Headline writer & copy editor for 15-plus years in newspapers (1990–2006) ; digital professional since 2008. Twitter: