The Souls Story

Stephanie M. Sanchez
Spiritual Tree
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2020

An exploration & practice

“Flowing in the rivers of life” — Artist Original

Let’s explore our bodies for a moment.
Take a journey through your soul.

Take your first deep breath.
Connect back to your heart.
Release all that’s in your mind.

Imagine descending into your heart.
The heart is the place we connect with divine love.
It is the place we can connect with all worlds.
The heart is the seat of the soul.

Take another deep breath.
As you inhale, you are merging with your soul from within your heart.

You are entering the holiest place on earth.
Dive deep into your breath.

Feel the essence of your soul.
Begin to imagine all of life’s possibilities
Gently ask your soul,
What would you like me to see?
Where is my heart guiding me too?

You may use this practice as your own.
I will now take you through the story of mine.

I asked my soul, “What do you want me to know?”
It replied, I want you to question everything.
I want you to explore the depths of your heart.
I want you to awaken your soul.
Let go. Your heart knows the way.

I felt small at the moment.
I was confused and afraid.

My soul challenged me,
Are you open to what you can’t see?
Are you ready to know?

The life you are living is not only your own.
Your soul is a gift from God.
It holds more than you know.

I continued to listen as my soul spoke,
You hold the power of choice in this life.

You can choose how much you want to live, how much you want to love, how much you will learn, and how much you will grow.

Lastly, when your body grows tired, you may choose to let go.

I was unclear.
Things happen without our choice, I replied
Things happen that don’t make sense in the world.
Things happen; we don’t understand.

“Even when you don’t understand, you still have a choice,” my soul responded. Your soul is the one making the story. Your body is only along for the ride.

Your body is your home.
Your soul is your life.
Your soul is what holds everything inside.

Your light, your darkness.
Your courage, your strength.
It holds all your love.
It holds all your pain.
Your body is only here for a moment.
Your soul’s story never ends.

What is your meaning of “ending ”?, my soul asked. These endings you see are not what they seem. These endings are your soul’s new beginning, a new chapter in your soul’s life, filled with new choices to make.

In complete silence, my soul’s story came through.

Your soul is filled with wisdom.
Your soul is filled with strength.
Your soul is on a journey.
Your soul’s story never ends.

But not in the way you’ve been told.
There will never be another you.
Your soul’s wisdom goes where it’s needed.

My soul took me to my body’s last few days of life. Your body has grown tired. Your eyes and heart are weak. If you are ready, you may begin to let go.

As I began, I descended closer to my heart.
I felt peace, simplicity, pureness.
My soul was surrounded by love.
As I merged deeper into the light, someone recognized me.

They recognized my soul,
Welcome home, they said.

Your soul is filled with wisdom.
Your soul is filled with strength.
Your soul is filled with love and light.
The world needs you once again.

They showed me the sick, the lonely, the forgotten, and afraid.
They told me we will give them your love so they may find strength.

They showed me the suffering, the lost, the angered, and pained.
We will give them your light so they won’t lose their way.

If you choose to let go, we will shine your light in the darkness.
We will give your love to the suffering so they may heal through the pain.
We will deliver your wisdom to the children, so they remember their way.

It is your choice to let go.
At that moment, I understood.
As we merge with our souls, wisdom, love, and light are gained.

I spoke to my soul,
I see you now.
I see your purpose.
I see your truth.

As I awakened, my soul reminded me, you may access this truth at any time.

There are always parts of yourself you may choose to let go.
Transcend the mind's chatter,
Transcend the ego's fear.
Live deep within your soul,
Its truth will appear.

The beginning introduction is a combination of my own personal guidance and The Soul Voice Meditation by Megan Watterson(Author of Mary Magdalene Revealed & The Divine Feminine Oracle).



Stephanie M. Sanchez
Spiritual Tree

Content writer & creative with a background in Psychology & Education and a deep love for learning all I can about life.