The Sun Door

Fleur Sauvage
Spiritual Tree
Published in
Apr 9, 2021


Upon which was written:

“Take passage through the Sun Door
but do not expect return

the threshold

through the blaze
so shall you, as traveler, be

Purged with fire
in the truth
of flame

and no longer to be blinded
by the light of lies.

Do not, in quest for power, be
drawn to such a glow as this

As is moth to flame

for True strength is in turning
from false light

Sign your heart
to the I Am
that you are

and make no pact with legion.

True strength is in refusing
the worlds kingdoms for this:

A Paradise Unseen

Take passage
through the Sun Door

Accept to wander this wilderness

In 40 days and nights
surrender bread, water, and flesh


Surrender the world’s kingdoms
doomed to crumble

Take passage
Through the Sun Door

A Paradise Unseen.”



Fleur Sauvage
Spiritual Tree

Poet. Essayist. Storyteller. Exploring passionate connection with Self, the Other, & the Infinite