The Witnesses of our Awareness

Who are we really?

Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree
1 min readFeb 26, 2021


Picture by Stefan Keller on Pixabay

With my eyes wide open, I see the luxurious forest, green, orange, brown. Yet, I am not what I see.

With my ears, all attentive, I hear the wind in their leaves, dressed for fall. Yet, I am not what I hear.

With my fingertips, I feel the coarse surface of the oaks’ trunks. Yet, I am not what I feel.

With my nose palpitating, I smell the freshness of the moss, glistening from the morning dew. Yet, I am not what I smell.

With my mouth, I taste that fresh air as I hum with the wind. Yet, I am not what I taste.

With my entire body, I feel exhilarated by all that surrounds me. Yet I am not those sensations.

A thought floats in my mind:
Despite the symbiosis,
I am none of my senses, I am only a witness.
The seer that cannot be seen.
The knower that cannot be known.

The Witness of my Awareness.



Tania Juricevic
Spiritual Tree

Leader, teacher, learner. In no specific order. Constantly questioning, investigating and discussing to ensure growth on all levels. So leave your comments!