What I Learned About Spirituality Making Soup with a Native Elder

Spirituality is simple: If yours isn’t, then beware

Katrina Bos
Spiritual Tree


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Last year, I was lucky enough to spend a morning making soup with a Native elder in Northern British Columbia, Canada. As someone who “loves all things spiritual”, I was looking forward to an in-depth discussion of topics that would deepen my understanding of the world. However, we ended up talking more about making soup and life than anything else.

And it was just perfect.

True Spirituality is Simple

One of the things that keep us from truly connecting with God/Spirit, is that we complicate it with philosophies, rituals, and rules. True spirituality is very, very simple. You connect with your deepest, most expansive self within. There actually is nothing else.

My new friend was once asked by a bishop to explain her beliefs. She said that she believed in kindness and her place of worship was sitting by the ocean listening to the waves, feeling the wind on her face, and watching the trees sway in the wind.

Is there really anything else?

It really isn’t complicated. And the more we talk about it and try to make it more interesting, the further we get from actually connecting…



Katrina Bos
Spiritual Tree

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: katrinabos.ca